Saturday, December 28, 2013

Grunn Smackdown alert!

So I've decided to start a new section where I will go over any reviews that smack me down as an author (as a human being.. well the internets are only so big).

And here's the first one. "I honestly can't say that I enjoyed this book. Much of it was actually a bit...disarming"

I hope to have more!

Monday, November 25, 2013

New Release! Thief

Just so everyone knows, I have a new book out:

You can buy the ebook (print book to come out soon) at Smashwords.
And Amazon
I'll put up the other sites as they go live.

Thanks all for your patience.

As Coral slides into another mansion stuffed with historical artifacts for another heist, she has no clue what awaits on the other side of the door. She escapes with her stolen goods only to find that her father has been killed in retaliation, his charred remains found in her childhood home. Now she must come out of the shadows and find out who did it. When she does, she realizes that the forces she face might be too much for her.
Matt at a shadowy private intelligence agency. When a thief steals from his boss, he must track down those responsible and punish them—no matter how tired his heart is.
Who will come out on top?
Unlike any other Heist novel, Thief is a well paced, concise, and thoughtful book that you must check out today!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Good reads giveaway!

Happy to inform you that there will be three paperback copies of Soldiers Die being given away. Sign up, there's one month!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Soldiers Die by Aaron Grunn

Soldiers Die

by Aaron Grunn

Giveaway ends September 08, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Soldiers Die Free days

Soldiers Die will be free from June 12-13. Check it out! It's a great story about military veterans out for revenge. It tells the sad take about violence and its toll.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cafe Assassin Free!

There will be one last free session for Cafe Assassin (June 6-8) for three days. The book is here. Please mark your calenders as this will be the past opportunity to do so.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New book is out!

The hour is late, or perhaps it's early, and I'm busy trying to get the next book (the sequel to Alaskan Rivers of Blood) out. Well it's at its infancy stages. But I did get an old fashioned thriller out just recently... Soldiers Die. It's a great revenge themed book that I wrote in my younger days. It is a riveting read, and I highly recommend it to anyone. You can find it here.
Enjoy. And hopefully I'll post some information on the next installment of Alaskan, and High School Freak (the last one!).
Take care ya'll!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cover: Soldiers Die

More radio silence, but I haven't been sitting about doing nothing. A new novel will be out soon with Alternative Book Press! I have the cover, and once the edits are done we'll be rock and rollin'. Listen for more to come soon.
Do you like the cover? Tell me what you think:

Friday, April 12, 2013

Cafe Assassin. Free this weekend!

Here is the link to Cafe Assassin. It's out now on Amazon and will be on sale for the next two days (Saturday and Sunday). So please enjoy it and share it while you can.
The story is about a man who's at the end of his line, without the love of his now-gone-woman, and taken up a job as a hit man. He's at a cafe waiting for his target and that's when things get juicy. He finds that it may be him who's being hunted...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Free Week

I will have a free week for High School Freak, the first book in the series. This will last until March 9th. Enjoy it here!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Day of the Jackal

I'll post up some more excerpts in a short time. Meanwhile it's Pulphead appreciation day. I'll mention the first pulp book (though some might say its lit-chops are nothing to be mocked) I read, as a pre-teen (or was I just a teen, nevertheless I was very young).

The Day of the Jackal was the book. I remembering looking at the cover and thinking (it was somewhere in Bombay, I was sitting in my grandmother's flat and thinking to myself that I needed something to do. This book was sitting on some dusty shelf, its acid-pages fast dying, and I enjoyed the cover (it was a blue and white one with someone's head on a sniper's scope). I started it and didn't put it down except for the occasional bathroom break. What a thriller!

I've never gone back to it, though sometimes I wonder if I do if I'd be so in love with the writing. But for Pulpheads, this is a book you must look at. It dives into a cop and an assassin. For the young me, there were also the scintillating sex scenes (I remember looking around and thinking: I'm being allowed to read this, what a thrill!) that were literal high for a young man. The plot's arc is quite tough, and I found the details to be extremely detailed and almost as if the author knew what he was talking about.

What else? (I'm trying to remember what was so great). It did have the kind of writing where you're transported to another world. And its talk about the OAS and the post-Algerian French landscape was very interesting. One rarely hears about such things. (I did some thorough research after the fact, though back then, sans Google, it was pretty hard). The whole OAS situation is something most people don't hear about. Check it out. The country of France went through many pangs, and a lot of it was post WWII.

I hope that helps people find a good book to read. Any other fans? What did you think of this novel? And when did you first read it?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Excerpt: Terror in New York

Here's an excerpt for the Terror in New York story. It's about an Iraq Veteran wandering the streets of New York when he sees a man he recognizes as a terrorist in Iraq. He gives chase. What follows is an exciting tale about the adventures that arise from this decision of his.
 Here are the sites you can buy the ebook (soon to be an audiobook as well!)
