Sunday, December 30, 2012

Excerpt: Alaskan Rivers of Blood

Working on a thriller about an American Spy that should be coming out in a couple of months (first draft hasn't been finished so it's at least a couple months away from being finished and polished). Until then I'll post updates as well as excerpts that should help those who haven't read any of my work sample the wares at my place.

The Audio for Terror in New York will be coming out in a few weeks. Everyone should check it out when it does come out. Until then...

Alaskan Rivers of Blood is a novella (first in a series, so check this out while you have the chance) that's about some young men in Alaska caught up in selling drugs when things head south. Fearing for their lives, they strike back. Will they survive? Check it out, it's an exciting book about the betrayal and friendship)
I've attached the beginning of the story below. Enjoy and here are the links to buy the ebook:

Read here:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Any port in a storm

I'm finally getting to adding a blog for my endeavors. I will try and keep my readership involved with what I'm doing (the final book in the High School Freak series in the process of being finished, but will take well into 2013 for it to be finished, let alone edited. If I work on some other projects (the Alaska series, right now it might be worth up to several books more, but a sequel might not happen until middle or late 2013) I'm working on, I'll keep everyone abreast on those.

As anyone can tell, my books are of the literary pulp kind. Pulp being the most important. I'llpost as much as I can on the pulp world here (and maybe add links to other books that people might be interested in).

For now, I'll add links to my works on the side and wish everyone a happy week!